
Showing posts from November, 2019

Ecological Systems Theory

This is me when i'm 5 years old Jessa Antolin Caoile. Microsystem My mother Lailani and My father Wilfredo is in the center and at the left side is my brothers the 1st is brother Homer under him is my 2nd brother Anthony and the 3rd is brother Bryan, At the right side is my 4th sibling my sister Jessica then under my ate is ME  and under me is my younger sister Shaina. This is my family.  Mesosytem This is my graduation day at my left side is the two guest speakers and at my right is my mother and our principal Dr. Lito S. Florendo .  Exosystem She is my best buddy since elementary she is Ednalyn. Macrosystem My religion is Roman Catholic. I baptized in Roman Catholic. Chronosystem This is me right now

Socio Cultural Theory Skill(s) I learned

Skill(s) I learned When I was young, I dreamed to be good      chef I wanted to learn, how to cook different kind of foods. I want to prepare food for my family. My mom thought me   how to cook. She explain, share, and  give me some tips in cooking. She even allow me to help her, while helping my mom I observed and finally learned how I can say that cooking is one of my skill.

Socio Cultural Theory Skill I want to share

Skill I want to share. I want to share this skill to anyone.In most situations we need to have teamwork we need to help each other, aim high together achieve our goals together without teamwork a big chance of problem. Misunderstanding, selflessness and trouble. Having this skills, it will makes you better person, this is also one way of making friends. The more the merrier. Helping each other is more fun than doing things alone. Life is more easier if you have teamwork.Work together as one. This is also a collaboration within a group solving difficult problems.   Brain storming is a good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things, by working together teams can find solutions that work best. TIP -characteristics of effective team work Include a shared sense of purpose, The ability to set aside personal prejudices, and The willingness to take responsibility as a group.

Apply the to Theory Movies/TV characters

THE HUNGER GAMES  A. THE HUNGER GAMES Stage 1 - Equilibrium The Hunger Games begins with an equlibrium. The audience can see that an equilibrium is present by the relatively calm introduction of the main protagonist, going about tasks the audience recognise as her everyday work. We see that the main protagonist is a teenage girl who has gone to hunt in a forest that is beyond her district. B. Katniss and Peeta Stage 2 - Disruption The disruption stage is provoked by the reaping, where Katniss's sister is picked as tribute. Katniss volunteers as tribute, henceforth putting herself in a life or death situation, in order to protect her sister. C. Stage 3 - Conflict The conflict stage is shown when katniss is made aware that there is a high chance she won't get to see her family again, and she has very little time to say goodbye. This exposes her fighting instinct to try her best to solve this problem by winning the Hunger Games. D. Stage 4 - Res

Prenatal Development Activity

Dear Mom,      Hi mom, I know that I made by mistake. I know that is not easy for you, having me on your tummy. I know that your not ready, physically and mentally.And prepared enough to carry and take care of me. I feel what you feel and I also know what you going through.          "  This is not easy mom" Pray and ask guidance to our Lord God.      Have faith and peace of mind.       I  know how hard it is, but please don't commit crime because of me. I'm your little angel, who wants to live together with you. Let me witness  the beautiful creation of our God Almighty.      Let me live,  Let me love you the way you deserved to be love. I love you and I want you to love me the way I do.                                     LOVE                                     Your Lil one


Learner centered physiological  principles  Is the perspective that couples a focus on individual learners – their heredity, experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, talents, interests, capacities, and needs – with a focus on leaning – the best available knowledge about learning and how it occurs and about I realize that learning is by doing or an experience, a persons interest on something unique.